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Chapter Resources

View the resources for Chapters below. If you need further assistance, contact us.
Founding Forward banner next to an American flag

Chapter news and updates

The latest news and updates from Founding Forward’s national headquarters

Governing documents

National Founding Forward By-Laws

Policies Governing Local Chapters

Chapter Articles
of Association

Financial Stewardship Guide

The Model By-Laws are to be used as a template for new chapters and chapters looking to create or revise their current by-laws.

Fiscal year documents

Certificate of Insurance request

Please complete this form for all events held at an off-premise location. Many times the facility you are renting will request that you add them as an additional insured.


Chapters work better when we all work together. Below are some guides for best practices. These guides are always being updated. Please feel free to take some of the ideas listed, but also please submit your successful programs and practices so we can include them in the guide for others.

Promotional marketing materials

Contact Carolyn Santangelo to request promotional materials at or 610-933-8825 ex. 234

Volunteer chapter annual activities report and questionnaire

Fill out your chapter’s annual activities report, today.